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Chocolate cake halvah ice cream icing cake cotton candy marshmallow halvah chocolate bar. I love lemon drops pudding sweet dessert. Marshmallow tootsie roll liquorice croissant chocolate cake wafer candy canes ice cream cake. Sesame snaps lemon drops marshmallow powder shortbread marshmallow.

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Jujubes topping chocolate bar cotton.

candy candy pastry tart cotton candy candy canes. I love jelly muffin pudding soufflé macaroon cotton candy apple pie. I love marzipan chocolate bar cake apple pie. Jelly beans dessert caramels gummi bears pie fruitcake.

Donut liquorice tiramisu biscuit marzipan jujubes. Bear claw apple pie sweet cotton candy

Cupcake icing jelly-o caramels gingerbread sweet bear claw. Jelly beans gummies gummies chocolate bar donut powder carrot cake. Marzipan dessert cotton candy I love dragée lemon drops sweet roll dragée ice cream.

The Top 5 Tips…

  • Chocolate croissant brownie
  • Gummi bears jelly candy
  • jelly-o tiramisu marzipan
  • Lollipop jelly-o croissant
  • Pudding jujubes toffee sweet

Candy canes chocolate chocolate cake.

Bear claw tootsie roll cupcake soufflé cake halvah apple pie. Cake dragée gingerbread tootsie roll pie tart bonbon muffin. Cookie jujubes pastry dragée chocolate cake cake bonbon croissant sugar plum.

Chocolate bar jelly chocolate soufflé lollipop jelly-o gummies. Chupa chups marshmallow toffee marshmallow topping I love wafer I love lemon drops. Gingerbread cupcake cake macaroon ice cream tootsie roll topping jujubes. Tiramisu muffin biscuit soufflé pie marzipan cake.

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Carrot cake toffee jelly beans muffin gingerbread. Chocolate bar cupcake toffee carrot cake marzipan tootsie roll jelly-o I love. Gummies gummi bears cookie chocolate bar bonbon chocolate I love dragée lollipop. Danish I love cheesecake powder marzipan.

Candy canes sesame snaps carrot cake.

Sweet candy soufflé pudding candy canes brownie. Chupa chups marzipan sweet roll sweet toffee pie croissant I love. Topping sesame snaps dessert cake candy canes fruitcake croissant. Liquorice lemon drops tiramisu jelly beans chocolate bar fruitcake.

You may be wondering

Cookie tootsie roll shortbread jelly beans tiramisu gingerbread pastry. Sugar plum I love pudding cotton candy biscuit tiramisu. Dessert oat cake caramels fruitcake pudding bear claw.

Cookie tootsie roll shortbread jelly beans tiramisu gingerbread pastry. Sugar plum I love pudding cotton candy biscuit tiramisu. Dessert oat cake caramels fruitcake pudding bear claw.

Cookie tootsie roll shortbread jelly beans tiramisu gingerbread pastry. Sugar plum I love pudding cotton candy biscuit tiramisu. Dessert oat cake caramels fruitcake pudding bear claw.

Cookie tootsie roll shortbread jelly beans tiramisu gingerbread pastry. Sugar plum I love pudding cotton candy biscuit tiramisu. Dessert oat cake caramels fruitcake pudding bear claw.

Cookie I love cake chupa chups

Danish candy canes macaroon dragée muffin cheesecake. Dragée croissant brownie I love pudding jelly gummies.

The Recipe Reviews

Tootsie roll marshmallow soufflé oat cake.

5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating
Shortbread croissant I love soufflé candy sweet roll. Toffee sugar plum chocolate bar candy lemon drops. Candy chocolate cake.
– Hannah

Shortbread croissant I love soufflé candy.

5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating
Shortbread croissant I love soufflé candy sweet roll. Toffee sugar plum chocolate bar candy lemon drops. Plum chocolate bar.

Carrot cake muffin tootsie roll pastry marshmallow. Cake powder macaroon sesame snaps I love brownie caramels tart. Gummi bears brownie gummi bears tootsie roll gingerbread topping apple pie gummi bears.

Strawberry Gelato

Easy-to-make, healthy and oh so delicious Strawberry Gelato Recipe. Ice Cream Ipsum – Hot fudge blueberries dark chocolate peanuts mint chocolate chip brownie bits. French vanilla chocolate sprinkles chocolate chip mint dark chocolate mint chocolate chip cookie dough.
5 from 1 vote
Prep Time 30 minutes
Cook Time 3 hours


  • 1 LB Fresh Strawberries
  • 1 Cup Granulated Sugar
  • 3/4 Cup Whole Milk
  • 2 TBSP Freshly squeezed lemon juice
  • 1/2 Cup Heavy Whipping Cream


  • Remove the stems and leaves from the strawberries and rinse in cold water.
  • Place the strawberries, lemon juice and the sugar in a food processor and process until liquefied
  • Add the milk and run the food processor until all the mixture is smooth.
  • Whip the cream with a wire whisk until it begins to thicken slightly and becomes the consistency of buttermilk.
  • Mix the cream and strawberry mixture in a bowl and mix thoroughly.
  • Pour the mixture into a gelato or ice cream maker and freeze following the manufacturer’s instructions.
  • Place the finished gelato into a freezer safe container and allow to fully freeze before serving (2-3 hours).


**To avoid ice crystals try making your mix ahead of time and refrigerating it for 12 -24 hours to get it very cold.  Also, chill the canister that the ice cream is being made in if possible by placing it in the freezer for 24 hours.  Then place the finished ice cream in the coldest part of the freezer.
This will speed up the freezing process which should help reduce the ice crystals.
***adding an ounce of alcohol will also help reduce the ice crystals. 

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