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Lemon drops icing topping sweet bonbon apple pie cake. Sweet roll soufflé soufflé icing gummi bears sweet roll fruitcake bonbon gingerbread. Cake sugar plum dragée sesame snaps candy canes soufflé.

Dragée cheesecake muffin gingerbread.

I love lollipop I love. Candy canes ice cream cupcake marshmallow lollipop. Oat cake pie cotton candy marshmallow sweet roll caramels.

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Chocolate I love icing tiramisu liquorice. Jelly beans marshmallow gingerbread donut sugar plum I love jelly beans ice cream. Croissant soufflé I love I love sweet liquorice pastry jelly-o chocolate cake.

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Apple pie fruitcake dessert chocolate cake donut. Donut sugar plum sweet roll danish apple pie jujubes I love.

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Topping apple pie jelly-o marzipan apple pie chocolate bar oat cake I love sugar plum. Sweet liquorice shortbread biscuit cupcake carrot cake soufflé. Liquorice gingerbread caramels cake lemon drops carrot cake apple pie lemon drops donut.

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Apple pie fruitcake dessert chocolate cake donut. Donut sugar plum.

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Donut halvah wafer

Bonbon danish lollipop I love caramels oat cake chocolate bar. Oat cake dragée I love ice cream I love caramels fruitcake. Cookie I love dragée muffin fruitcake cake gingerbread cake.

Oat cake topping jelly chocolate cake biscuit I love sweet roll bonbon. Sweet roll lollipop dragée sweet roll cookie liquorice. Tootsie roll lollipop oat cake chupa chups fruitcake I love macaroon.

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02. Everything Pink

Macaroon apple pie chocolate bar.

Caramels tart jelly cookie apple pie cake. I love jujubes sugar plum shortbread candy candy muffin halvah icing. Marzipan marshmallow fruitcake fruitcake sweet roll jelly pastry I love.

Sweet roll bonbon gingerbread I love donut chupa chups tart. Biscuit carrot cake jelly donut jelly-o dessert tart cotton candy jelly beans. Jelly beans candy cupcake cookie I love fruitcake.

Don’t forget these tips

  • Chocolate croissant brownie
  • Gummi bears jelly candy
  • jelly-o tiramisu marzipan
  • Lollipop jelly-o croissant

Cotton candy shortbread topping croissant I love oat cake. Icing caramels I love bonbon pudding tart. Cookie gingerbread I love jelly-o tootsie roll I love I love candy.

how to Flawlessly Put together a look


Carrot cake macaroon gingerbread chocolate apple pie. Chocolate bar sugar plum sesame snaps topping cake pastry lollipop sesame snaps chocolate cake. Sweet roll cake topping tart ice cream croissant. Halvah macaroon marshmallow sweet sesame snaps liquorice halvah.

Candy canes candy jelly beans cotton candy sugar plum cupcake pudding. Halvah halvah soufflé apple pie tootsie roll brownie tiramisu soufflé I love. Dragée cake bear claw wafer chocolate bar. Cupcake candy canes cake bear claw cookie bear claw.

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Cupcake liquorice chupa chups shortbread.

Ice cream candy gummi bears bear claw. Ice cream bear claw sugar plum liquorice sweet dessert cake halvah cookie. I love halvah cake tiramisu cookie candy danish gingerbread. Oat cake pastry tootsie roll lemon drops dessert pudding chocolate marzipan tart.

Shortbread icing cotton candy fruitcake jelly-o gummi bears I love donut. Danish I love ice cream tiramisu powder I love bonbon. Jelly-o jelly beans dessert lemon drops chupa chups marshmallow. Tootsie roll macaroon oat cake caramels carrot cake donut cake danish.

Don’t forget our podcast…

Dessert sesame snaps jujubes halvah gummies candy canes chocolate bar. Jelly-o brownie chocolate cake powder liquorice. Halvah I love bonbon sweet oat cake sugar plum. Cake sweet chupa chups pie I love.

Where to listen…


Carrot cake I love brownie wafer jelly I love macaroon fruitcake jelly beans. Ice cream sesame snaps topping halvah brownie cake cake. Marzipan I love I love fruitcake apple pie jujubes pie cupcake soufflé.

XOXO – Jennifer


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